NEW! Beware Of Exempting A Fit EPC!


We have recently been made aware of energy assessors being asked by Solar PV installers to provide “exemption” certificates or letters for buildings that would usually require an EPC for a Feed in Tariff application. DON’T DO IT.

Whilst certain properties can be exempt from providing an EPC under EPBD rules (e.g. a listed building), the feed in tariff is governed under separate legislation (The Feed-in Tariffs Order 2012); and hence there are very few instances where a building may actually be exempt.

In the OFGEM guidance for FiT it defines a “relevant building” as a roofed construction having walls and for which energy is used to condition the indoor climate. Thus agricultural barns may potentially be exempt, but a church for example would not be.

We are aware of at least two indemnity claims involving missing EPCs, that could result in huge liabilities for the assessors. Always best to check with us if you are not sure whether a building is exempt or not.

We hope this clarifies things, but if you need additional help, please contact

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