News: RdSAP 9.93 Data Collection Sheets

RdSAP 9.93 Data Collection Sheets

With the advent of RdSAP version 9.93, we have updated the Quidos Data Collection sheet templates
for DEAs. They now include a revised page for floor plans, as well as updated Extensions sheet.

While we had the older versions removed, we noted a couple of assessors wanting to use the
templates for their audit uploads.


For audit, we require your ORIGINAL data collection sheets from whilst you were completing the assessment – these could be a single page of notes, using another
Scheme’s templates, or even notations around your floor plan. The point being that you’re far more likely to make mistakes attempting to transfer your notes than simply providing your original notes in the first place. In addition, it makes it much more difficult to confirm that you had visited the
property on the correct date of assessment if you provide computer edited notes for your assessment, knowing that it’s unlikely you completed these whilst there.
Please remember to either print and use the Quidos data collection sheets, or provide you ORIGINAL
data collection forms for audit.