News: U-value changes

U-value changes

The U-value of building part refers to how heat passes through the construction; the higher the number, the more heat passes through, and hence, lost from the property.

With RdSAP 9.93, the U-values of specific wall constructions for Age Band A-E will amended, increasing their insulating abilities.

The wall types affected are:
 Solid Brick (as built/int.ext 50mm ins./int.ext 100mm ins./int.ext 150mm ins.)
 Cavity (as built/filled/filled+50mm ins./filled+100mm ins./filled+150mm
ins/filled+200mm ins.)

This will affect dwellings across all UK nations (England & Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland).

What does this mean for DEAs? Well, it will mean that a property lodged after these changes are
implemented will likely have a better SAP rating than a property lodged before. This could have
an impact on any properties which are currently on the borderline of E/F bands and their
compliance to Private Rented MEES requirements.

This is a change that you should make any agents or landlords aware of, as a better SAP rating
on a property, particularly if it means they will be able to let their property from April 2018, will
always be advantageous.